Montana Department of Livestock

Here to serve the people of Montana and its livestock industry.

Board Members

Chairman - Gene Curry - Cattle
Board Member - Nina Baucus - Cattle
Board Member - Jake Feddes - Cattle
Board Member - Greg Wichman - Sheep
Board MemberAlan Redfield - Cattle
Board Member - William Kleinsasser III - Swine
Board Member - Lillian Andersen - Dairy/Poultry

For more Board Member information please click HERE. 


Livestock 2024

HB 190 - Annual Plan

Contact Information

Department of Livestock
Donna Wilham - Board Secretary
PO BOX 202001
Helena, Montana 59620-2001
(406) 444 - 9321


Montana Board of Livestock

This page contains information on the Montana Board of Livestock and upcoming board meeting information.

Subscribe to us on MDOL YouTube Channel

**NOTES ON LIVE VIDEO- If video is either black or you get a spinning wheel, meeting is on break or in executive session so check back often by refreshing your Internet browser page.**


Upcoming Board Meetings


MT LIV Board of Livestock Upcoming Meetings
Date & Time Location Attachments/Information

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Livestock Conference Room #319
Scott Hart Building/301 N Roberts, Helena, MT

Public is invited to attend in person, but can still attend by ZOOM. Please email or call 406-444-9321 for log-in information.


Requests and Attachments



Previous Board Meetings



MT LIV Board of Livestock Previous Meetings
Date & Time Location Attachments/Information

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Livestock Conference Room #319
Scott Hart Building/301 N Roberts, Helena, MT

Public is invited to attend in person, but can still attend by ZOOM. Please email or call 406-444-9321 for log-in information.

Audio/Video Recording


Requests and Attachments 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Livestock Conference Room #319
Scott Hart Building/301 N Roberts, Helena, MT


Audio/Video Recording


Requests and Attachments


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Livestock Conference Room #319
Scott Hart Building/301 N Roberts, Helena, MT


Audio/Video Recording


Requests and Attachments


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Livestock Conference Room #319
Scott Hart Building/301 N Roberts, Helena, MT


Audio/Video Recording


Requests and Attachments 


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Livestock Conference Room #319
Scott Hart Building/301 N Roberts, Helena, MT


Audio/Video Recording


Requests and Attachments



Click here to view board meeting information from previous years.

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