Montana Department of Livestock

Here to serve the people of Montana and its livestock industry.

Livestock Dealer Licensing


The renewal period for Dealer Licensing, Livestock Market Licensing and Satellite Video Auction Licensing begins on March 15 and ends on May 1, 2025.  Renewal fees are:

  • $250.00 – License Renewal Fee for a Dealer with One Named Individual. 
  • $250.00 – Each Additional Named Buyer/Agent.
  • $300.00 – Livestock Market Renewal Fee
  • $100.00 – Satellite Video Auction (SVA) Renewal Fee

A service fee will be applied to the final total of the renewal fee.

Additional information has been mailed to all licensed Dealers, Markets and Satellite Video Auction operators.

If there are no changes to make to your Dealer License or to the Agent list, you may renew online at:  Livestock Dealer License

Please contact Kim Dallas (406-444-9762) or by email at if you have any questions.

Thank you.


According to Montana law (MCA 81-8-213), you are a livestock dealer if you purchase livestock for:

  • Immediate resale (reselling within 60 days of purchase)
  • Interstate shipment
  • A commission or fee
  • The account of others
  • On behalf of a livestock dealer or market

If you meet any of these criteria, you are a livestock dealer and must be licensed by the Montana Department of Livestock.  Please note that the term “dealer” does not include farmers or ranchers who buy or sell livestock in the ordinary course of or in the day-to-day activities and operation of their ranch or farm.

To obtain a Montana livestock dealer license, specific requirements must be met.

First, you are required to register with USDA-Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards (USDA-GIPSA).  GIPSA regional office staff that serves your area will work with you to obtain proper registration and bonding.  USDA Contact is:

Vanette Stewart
(303) 375-4241

USDA requires annual updates to your registration information and bond information.

Once registered with USDA, you are required to apply and register with the Dept of Livestock.  Submit a completed and notarized Montana Livestock Dealer License Application to:

Montana Department of Livestock
ATTN: Dealer Licensing
PO Box 202001
Helena MT 59620-2001

The applicant must submit a license fee for each person who intends to act as an agent for the applicant.  Dealer license fees are $50 for first-time dealers and $50 for each additional buyer.  

Livestock Dealer Licenses are renewed annually.  The Department of Livestock will send renewal notices annually in April.  Dealer renewals fees are $250 for one licensed dealer and $250 per additional buyer.  Dealer Licenses which are not renewed will be set to an inactive status.  

For additional information, contact the Dept of Livestock, Brands Enforcement Division at 406-444-9762 or by email:

Forms and Additional Information: