Montana Department of Livestock

Here to serve the people of Montana and its livestock industry.

The Montana Department of Livestock has taken up the following estrayed animals. For more information or to claim the estray, please contact your district investigator.


The Montana Department of Livestock has taken up the estrayed animal listed below on the 20th day of November 2024. The animal was picked up off of the Snowline Grazing Association, Lima, Beaverhead County, MT.

For information, contact Dan Bugni, Western Area Supervisor, (406) 660-0471.

The animal will sell at Dillon Livestock Auction, Dillon, MT., on the 12th day of December 2024.

The animal is described as follows:

  • One (1) black steer calf -- blotched brand on the right rib.


The Montana Department of Livestock has taken up the estrayed animal listed below on the 15th day of November 2024, the animal was picked up at 393 Mill Iron Camp Crook Rd, Ekalaka, Carter County, MT.

For information, contact Jake Eshelman, District Investigator, (406) 951-0587

The animal will sell at Glendive Livestock Exchange, Glendive, MT., on the 6th of December 2024.

The animal is described as follows:

  • One (1) black, white face steer calf – undeterminable brand on the left rib