Montana Department of Livestock

Here to serve the people of Montana and its livestock industry.

Animal Health Bureau

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Contact Information

Department of Livestock
Animal Health Bureau
PO Box 202001
Helena, MT 59620-2001
Email Us

Animal Health Contact Information

Montana Animal Health contact information

 Department of Livestock
 Animal Health Bureau
 PO Box 202001
 301 N Roberts Street
 Helena, MT 59620-2001


General Inquiries: (406) 444-2976
FAX: (406) 444-1929
General Information

Import Permits: (406) 444-2976
Standard permits available 24 hours

Tahnee Szymanski, DVM:

State Veterinarian

Desk: (406) 444-0782
Mobile: (406) 475-2569


Heidi Hildahl, DVM:

Program Veterinarian, Traceability

Desk: (406) 444-5214
Mobile: (406) 475-0552

Brad De Groot, DVM

Program Veterinarian, Brucellosis

Desk: (406) 444-3374
Mobile: (406) 475-2693


Brenee Peterson, DVM:

Program Veterinarian, Emergency Preparedness

 Desk: (406)444-2639
 Mobile: (406)558-9312

Britta Sekora

Import Office Manager

Desk: (406) 444-2892


Lindsey Ehlke:  

Compliance Technician

Desk: (406) 444-5200

Jacqueline Cima

DSA /Brucellosis Compliance Specialist

Desk: (406) 444-9622


Becky Rouns

Compliance Technician

Desk: (406) 444-9525

Sara Starkey

Disease Compliance Specialist

Desk: (406) 444-1587


Leslie Doely

Data Entrie




Other Contact Information

  • USDA APHIS International imports/exports: 360-753-9430
  • Scrapie tags, USDA Bangs Vaccination tags and/or silver brite tags: (406) 437-9457 or (406) 437-9450