Montana Department of Livestock

Here to serve the people of Montana and its livestock industry.

Milk & Egg Section

Contact Information

Department of Livestock
Milk & Egg Section
PO Box 202001
Helena, Montana 59620-2001
(406) 444-5202

Helena Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Milk and Egg Section

Alicia Love, MPH, RS
Bureau Chief - Meat, Milk and Egg

Milk and Egg Mission Statement

The Milk & Egg Section is a food safety arm of the Animal Health division.  The section is responsible for ensuring the state’s dairy farms, shell egg producers and dairy plants provide safe, wholesome products that comply with state and federal regulations.  We participate in the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shippers (NCIMS).  This allows interstate shipment of Grade A dairy products.  We ensure that all egg producers with >3000 birds meet the requirements of the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Poultry Division.  We offer technical support, information and advice to producers, citizens, and fellow public health agencies at the state, tribal and local level.  We investigate consumer complaints and outbreaks of disease related to any dairy products, eggs, or egg products and administrate environmental protections within the scope of our authority.

Milk Section

Egg Section


ADA and Civil Rights Information:
State Human Resources

For applicants and customers with disabilities who require program information in alternative formats, please contact Montana Relay 711 or Michael Spatz, Human Resource Officer, at or (406) 444-5684.

Limited English Proficiency:
LEP Policy Statement (PDF)
Program information may be made available in languages other than English, free of charge. For assistance, contact Michael Spatz, Human Resource Officer.

The Montana Department of Livestock is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. To file a complaint of discrimination, write or call:

Montana Department of Livestock
Human Resource Specialist
PO Box 202001
Helena, MT 59620-2001